This program will help all the branches with their recruitment. They will be able to choose their own event or activity – something that they are comfortable with doing.
The Provincial Body will pay 50% of the costs, up to a maximum of $500 annually, for a branch that undertakes a recruitment project. The program will start when the branches are ready. Future R & R Committees can decide if the plan should be improved, changed or terminated.
Branches should submit plans in advance to the R & R committee, who will review and offer suggestions, making sure that the branch plans are in line with Provincial objectives. Once approved the branches will proceed with their project. The branches will submit claims with a description of how the event went. This information will help the R & R committee advise other branches on future projects. The R & R committee will review the claim and submit to the Provincial Treasurer for payment.
Some possible examples:
- Retirement and seniors fairs. We could show the videos and offer a prize draw for new members that sign up.
- Set up a branch drop-in event, with a guest speaker.
- Pay for lunches at meetings – i.e., any member who brings an eligible member to a branch luncheon meeting has both the member and guest lunch paid for (limit of 1 free lunch per guest).
- Organize a luncheon at a local Provincial Gov’t office and invite all current employees to partake.
- Holding an annual draw for new Branch members. Possibly a separate draw for members who bring a new member to a meeting.
Membership Survey Results
Suggestions for Branch Activities
General Membership
- Subsidizing an outdoor activity. A pass to Butchart Gardens or other attraction.
- Make the branch web page a source of information for members.
- Participate in community events as a group.
- A photo contest with prizes. Photos displayed on the branch web page.
- Post recordings of your guest speakers on the webpage or Youtube.
- Offer outings to all members. Visit museums, wineries or dinner theatres.
- Use Zoom in conjunction with regular meetings to allow members who are unable to travel to attend.
- Supportive contact for members who are ill.
- Newsletters twice a year profiling activities & information.
- If your branch is in a large geographical area, then move the locations of your meetings.
- Send new members a welcome package. Include membership card, swag, and personal invitation to the next branch meeting.
Branch Meetings
- Free or subsidized lunches, or free coffee and snacks.
- Relevant guest speakers, perhaps pay for marquee speakers.
- Different prizes
- Attendance draw. Draw a name from the membership list, if they are at the meeting they win a prize.
- Travel subsidies to meetings and events.
Other Suggestions
- Sponsoring a members senior’s team: lawn bowling, pickle ball, darts, etc.
- Sponsoring a wreath for Remembrance Day.
Potential Speaker Topics
- BCGREA Affinity Partners
- COSCO – Health and Wellness Workshops
- Advance Care Planning
- Drivers License Retention
- Emergency Preparedness
- Estate Planning
- Falls Prevention
- Frauds & Scams
- Navigating the Health Care System
- Other Suggestions:
- Medical Assistance in Dying (M.A.I.D)
- Pain Management
- Financial & Legal Decision Making (Public Guardian & Trustee of BC)
- Tax Benefits & Credits for Adults 65+ (CRA Outreach Officer)
- Seniors Advocacy Organizations (Office of the Seniors Advocate BC)
- Pre Planning Funeral Services
- Decluttering
- Electric Vehicles
- Gardening
- Local Historians / Tourist Sites
- Solar Power
Role Descriptions for Branch Executive Positions
Click to view the editable Word documents below.
Recruitment & Retention Committee
Contact the Members of the Committee below. View the committee Terms of Reference here.
Al Barclay
Branch 400 – Grand Forks
Bonnie Billington
Branch 800 – New Westminster
Wilf Brodrick
Branch 2100 – Langley/Surrey
Al Coccola
Branch 2700 – Western Communities
Barbara Golder
Branch 1200 – Victoria
Brian Green
Branch 1200 – Victoria
Larry Martin
Branch 900 – South Okanagan
Edna Park
Branch 500 – Kamloops