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The Victoria Branch recently held its AGM on May 10, 2022.

We are pleased to announce our new Executive for the 2022-2023 year.


Chair – Barbara Golder

Vice Chair – Sarf Ahmed

Treasurer – Ed Forbes

Secretary – Karin Heimlich

Membership Chair – Jane Rutherford

Communications Chair – Laura Lam


Directors at Large

Gerry Buydens

Terry Prentice

Sonja Ruffell

Marilyn Spencer

Tammy Welch


We wish to thank the following outgoing Executive members for their hard work and dedication during their time on the Board in their respective roles as Vice Chair, Membership Chair, and Treasurer; Brian Green, Valeska Campbell, and Tammy Welch. 

Also, a big thank you to Vicki White for her many years of contribution to the Board as a Director at Large.

Welcome aboard our newest members of the Board, Jane Rutherford, and Ed Forbes!

We all look forward to serving our membership this year!

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