We can all fall victim to a scam!
Not sure if it’s Canada Revenue Agency
contacting you? Listen to your voice of reason
and learn how to protect yourself from scams
and fraud. Register now for a free “Be scam
smart” webinar.
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 11:00 am PST
Duration: 30 minutes
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is hosting an
interactive webinar to share information on:
• how to identify fake CRA calls, texts, emails,
or mail
• how to recognize legitimate communications
from the CRA
• steps you can take to protect yourself from
• what to do if you’re a victim of fraud
• helpful services and tools
You will be able to ask questions and we will be providing responses live.
To register go to: https://collaboratevideo.net/cra-arc/221019/?src=regions